What’s on 29 March to 4 April | New Civil Engineer

2023-04-21 18:48:23 By : Ms. Tina Ge

01 April: Membership surgery. 9.30am to 4.30pm, online. Click here for more details. Contact memsupp.coordinator@ice.org.uk

01 April: Membership Surgery. 9.30am to 4.30pm, online. Click here for more details. Contact memsupp.coordinator@ice.org.uk Biaxial Tensile Geogrid

What’s on 29 March to 4 April | New Civil Engineer

04 April: Delegated engineer workshop, the practicalities East of England and Midlands online. 9.30am to12pm. Click here for more details. Contact memsupp.coordinator@ice.org.uk

04 April: Resilience to coastal erosion using geotextiles. 6pm, online. Click here for more details. Contact lauren.moczulski@ice.org.uk

03 April: A6 Dungiven to Drumahoe (D2D). Joint event with CIHT. Online. Click here for more details. Contact iceni@ice.org.uk

04 April: Membership surgery. 1.30am to 6pm, online. Click here for more details. Contact memsupp.coordinator@ice.org.uk

29 March: Supervising civil engineer, delegated engineer mentor forum. 8.45am to 10.15am, online. Click here for more details. Contact memsupp.coordinator@ice.org.uk

04 April: Passivhaus in the UK construction sector. 6.30pm to 7.30pm, Plymouth. Click here for more details. Contact Yasemin.gurbuz@ice.org.uk

29 March: Supervising civil engineer, delegated engineer mentor forum, online. 8.45am to 10.15am, online. Click here for more details. Contact memsupp.coordinator@ice.org.uk

03 April: The mysterious hidden kingdom: fungi. 10.30am, Ararat Centre. Contact jessica.mcquade@ice.org.uk

04 April: Wales road reviews – presentation to professionals, 12.30pm, webinar. Contact jessica.mcquade@ice.org.uk

31 March: Lunch and learn: ICE West Midlands Birmingham, Solihull and Black Country Branch (BSBC): Managing your career in a gender biased world. Click here for more information.

01 April: Membership surgery. 9.30am to 4.30pm, online. Click here for more details. Contact memsupp.coordinator@ice.org.uk

01 April: Membership Surgery. 9.30am to 4.30pm, online. Click here for more details. Contact memsupp.coordinator@ice.org.uk

04 April: Delegated engineer workshop, the practicalities East of England and Midlands online. 9.30am to12pm. Click here for more details. Contact memsupp.coordinator@ice.org.uk

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What’s on 29 March to 4 April | New Civil Engineer

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